Monday, September 1, 2014

S.O.S Lyrics - I Love You Indonesia and Video Clips. For you lovers there S.O.S latest hits in 2014 the lyrical "I Love You Indonesia". For you who like the lyrics of the song titled "I Love You Indonesia". Here below are the lyrics along with the video clip "I Love You Indonesia" :


S.O.S Lyrics - I Love You Indonesia

I love you Indonesia
I love you Indonesia
I love you Indonesia
I love you Indonesia

Come On
One of the nation's homeland language
Diverse ethnic culture religion
We are all the same no different
One in the motto Unity in Diversity

One two three
Yo let's let grasping dream
Do not stop the younger generation

Natural beauty of Indonesia
Asri clean captivates dear
Two seasons make me feel at home
Oh cool weather beauty

Population suave and polite
Full sincerity and love
Proud I was born there
Indonesia is my love

Indonesia is rich in natural
Negri exquisite heart for peace
Indonesian variety of ethnic cultures
Oh love ... Love Indonesia

Every body say
I Love You Indonesia
I Love You Indonesia
I Love You Indonesia
I Love You Indonesia

Every body say

Filled with the spirit of the four five
Embed nationalist spirit always
Indonesian tuk fought until the end of the line
This love will never run out Indonesia
Beautifully captured the spirit of the memories

I just want to say I Love You
Smile is true is just for you

Population suave and polite
Full sincerity and love
Proud I was born there
Indonesia is my love

Indonesia is rich in natural
Negri exquisite heart for peace
Indonesian variety of ethnic cultures
Oh love ... Love Indonesia

Indonesia is rich in natural
Negri exquisite heart for peace
Indonesian variety of ethnic cultures
Oh love ... Love Indonesia

Every body say
I Love You Indonesia
I Love You Indonesia
I Love You Indonesia
I Love You Indonesia


S.O.S Lyrics - I Love You Indonesia

I love you Indonesia
I love you Indonesia
I love you Indonesia
I love you Indonesia

Come On
Satu nusa bangsa satu bahasa
Beraneka ragam suku agama budaya
Kita semua sama tak ada yang berbeda
Satu dalam semboyan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika

Satu dua tiga
Yo mari mari gapai mimpi
Janganlah berhenti generasi muda

Indahnya alam indonesia
Asri bersih menawan hati sayang
Dua musim membuat aku betah
Cuaca sejuk oh indahnya

Penduduk ramah tamah dan sopan
Penuh ketulusan dan cinta
Bangganya aku terlahir disana
Indonesia yang Ku cinta

Indonesia kaya akan alamnya
Negri elok yang buat hati damai
Indonesia bermacam suku budaya
Cinta oh…cinta Indonesia

Every body say
I Love You Indonesia
I Love You Indonesia
I Love You Indonesia
I Love You Indonesia

Every body say

Penuh dengan semangat empat lima
Tanamkan selalu jiwa nasionalis
Berjuang tuk Indonesia sampai di akhir garis
Rasa cinta Indonesia takkan pernah habis
Semangat terekam indah dalam memories

I just wanna say I Love You
Smile is true is just for you

Penduduk ramah tamah dan sopan
Penuh ketulusan dan cinta
Bangganya aku terlahir disana
Indonesia yang Ku cinta

Indonesia kaya akan alamnya
Negri elok yang buat hati damai
Indonesia bermacam suku budaya
Cinta oh…cinta Indonesia

Indonesia kaya akan alamnya
Negri elok yang buat hati damai
Indonesia bermacam suku budaya
Cinta oh…cinta Indonesia

Every body say
I Love You Indonesia
I Love You Indonesia
I Love You Indonesia
I Love You Indonesia

New Song S.O.S Lyrics - I Love You Indonesia, Read S.O.S Lyrics - I Love You Indonesia, Latest Song S.O.S Lyrics - I Love You Indonesia, Get S.O.S Lyrics - I Love You Indonesia Full, S.O.S Lyrics - I Love You Indonesia Free Download
New Song S.O.S Lyrics - I Love You Indonesia, Read S.O.S Lyrics - I Love You Indonesia, Latest Song S.O.S Lyrics - I Love You Indonesia, Get S.O.S Lyrics - I Love You Indonesia Full, S.O.S Lyrics - I Love You Indonesia Free Download
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